The Renaissance of Sound
Hello! we are Alma, Franz and Hugo, Clara, Fanny and Richard, Ludwig, Paul and Amadeus. We are the Renaissance, the new generation of perfect mouthpieces. We are MAXTON.
As revolutionary instrument makers, we are dedicated to discovering the greatest possible sound. Our woodwind instruments, and particularly our clarinet mouthpieces, are unique.
In recent years, we have put all our heart and soul into research, development and manufacturing. We have tested, tried out and ventured to reach new boundaries. The result is the ultimate sound. MAXTON owner Martin Fluch is our revolutionary. He is a professional clarinettist in the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra and knows exactly what the music world needs.
MAXTON has created something new without breaking with tradition. We have re-invented the interaction of common mouthpieces and reeds, enhancing and invigorating the ancient tradition of instrument making. From now on you need only focus on your musical skills. The question of material is of secondary importance. The jewel in our crown is the MAXTON mouthpiece, which is available for all possible playing styles and variations.

Ease of Play and Maximum Sound
Every artist knows how rocky the path is from the initial concept to the finished work of art. We have realized our vision together with partners who can create masterpieces on precision industrial machines.
A five-axis machine using a new, unique process mills the facing curve onto the mouthpiece, creating the revolutionary MAXTON precision. Everything else is a trade secret.
Produced in Vienna, MAXTON sells worldwide. However, its successful distribution has extended beyond the professional league of the orchestral world to include amateur clarinettists. The handling of our mouthpieces is intuitive and simple, which is appreciated by musicians around the globe with a variety of playing styles, tastes and skill levels. Alma, Richard and Amadeus have set out on their triumphal march.

Precision That Does it All
Alma is delicate. Richard is determined and Amadeus is impetuous. But they have one thing in common: precision and accuracy. MAXTON surpasses the accuracy of well-known mouthpieces by far. We've left the range of fluctuation behind – after all, we did want to break new ground.
The MAXTON is more guided and stable than any note that you've ever played in your life. Every musician, regardless of nationality or playing style, should be able to achieve this perfection. For us, everything revolves around the talent of the player, for which there are no more boundaries. Reach for the stars!

MAXTON Researches
The question of the right material is of course also paramount for musicians and clarinettists. MAXTON always strives for the best quality at the highest level. Targeted research is a central topic here. This is based on the new technical processes developed by MAXTON, also in co-operation with renowned research institutes. In addition to the company's own resources, synergies are implemented in the form of project-related cooperations with universities and research institutions.
Thus MAXTON is able to work on product innovations that set new standards in instrument making.